Hello, we are
Urban Place.
Facillitating the development of
community in urban places.
Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because,
and only when, they are created by everybody. -- Jane Jacobs
We are listeners, problem solvers, planners, we
are doers. We connect people to downtowns
and improve their experiences, by rethinking
the places they use everyday, the places where
they live, work and play.

We work in several areas including:
Establishing and renewing property based
Business Improvement Districts (PBIDs)
Improving Organizational Effectiveness
Interim Business District Management
Parking Strategy
We listen. With all thy getting, get understanding.
We envision. Ideas provide a blue print
for the future.
We educate. Revitalization is created through
education, organization, and change.
We implement. Implementation provides the
structure on which the future is built.